Are you interested in getting involved in the space industry but not sure where to start?
Check out some of these resources to get started or expand your toolkit!
Want to fly to space?
- Apply here! Space for Humanity: https://spaceforhumanity.org/
- In the meantime, experience Zero Gravity in the air: https://www.gozerog.com/
All Ages
- NASA’s Universe of Learning: https://www.universe-of-learning.org/
- Club for the Future: https://clubforfuture.org
- Hines Family Foundation: https://hinesfamilyfoundation.org/
- Ignited Thinkers: https://www.ignitedthinkers.org/
- Aldrin Family Foundation: https://aldrinfoundation.org/
- ESA Space for Kids: https://www.esa.int/kids/en/learn
- Janet’s Planet: https://www.janetsplanet.com/
High School Students
- Space Prize: https://www.spaceprize.org/
- Deep Space Initiative: https://deepspaceinitiative.org/
- Space4Girls: https://www.space4girls.org/
- One Giant Leap Australia: https://onegiantleapfoundation.com.au/
- ARES Learning: https://www.areslearning.com/
- Space Education Curriculum from Space Prize Foundation:https://spaceeducation.org/
Undergraduate Students
- SEDS: https://seds.org/
- Space Generation Advisory Council: https://spacegeneration.org/
- Brooke Owens Fellowship: https://www.brookeowensfellowship.org/
- Patti Grace Smith Fellowship: https://www.pgsfellowship.org/
- Zed Factor Fellowship Program: https://zedfactorfellowship.org/
- Space Workforce 2030: https://swf2030.org/
- Annual SpaceVision Conference: https://spacevision.seds.org/
- Deep Space Initiative: https://deepspaceinitiative.org/
- Jordan Research Space Research Initiative: https://www.jsri.space/
Graduate Students
- Matthew Isakowitz Fellowship: https://www.matthewisakowitzfellowship.org/
- Space Generation Advisory Council: https://spacegeneration.org/
- Space Workforce 2030: https://swf2030.org/national-space-interns/
- Annual SpaceVision Conference: https://spacevision.seds.org/
- Jordan Research Space Research Initiative: https://www.jsri.space/
Young Professionals
- Space Generation Advisory Council: https://spacegeneration.org/
- Annual SpaceVision Conference: https://spacevision.seds.org/
- Jordan Research Space Research Initiative: https://www.jsri.space/
- Beyond Earth Institute: https://beyondearth.org/
- Space Education Summit: https://spaceeducation.squarespace.com
Volunteer and Community Organizations
- The Human Space Program: https://www.humanspaceprogram.org/
- Yuri’s Night: https://yurisnight.net/
- World Space Week: https://www.worldspaceweek.org/
- NASA Space Apps Challenge: https://www.spaceappschallenge.org/
- Beyond Earth Institute: https://beyondearth.org/
- Teachers in Space: https://tis.org/
- Guest Speaker Series with Space Prize Foundation: https://spaceprize.org/speakers
- General Spreadsheet ~ 100 Space Education Resources (Provided by Mark D. Wagner, Ph.D)